Our Terms Of Service

The A-town Promotions Advertising Media Terms of Service (TOS) is a legal document that details your rights, privileges and obligations as a A-town Promotions Advertising Media member using the A-town Promotions Advertising Media website. You cannot become a A-town Promotions Advertising Media member until you have accepted these terms of this membership agreement. The membership agreement provides very important information about your A-town Promotions Advertising Media membership, so you should take the time to read and understand it. If you have questions about the Terms of Service said forth, or about your rights and responsibilities as a A-town Promotions Advertising Media member, please contact us by e-mail: support@atownpromotions.com. The Internet and our online community are changing rapidly and as technology and our business continue to evolve, these policies may have to be changed, updated or revised.

For the same reasons, it may be necessary for A-town Promotions Advertising Media to update or revise certain provisions of this membership agreement. By joining A-town Promotions Advertising Media and accepting the membership agreement you agree that A-town Promotions Advertising Media may change, the terms of this agreement said forth. If A-town Promotions Advertising Media makes material changes or revisions to this agreement, we, as members, will be provided a notice by A-town Promotions Advertising Media within thirty days in advance. If you don't agree to the changes proposed by A-town Promotions Advertising Media, or to any of the terms in this membership agreement, your only remedy is to cancel your A-town Promotions Advertising Media membership.

1. THE BASICS OF YOUR A-town Promotions Advertising Media MEMBERSHIP
This agreement is your entire agreement with A-town Promotions Advertising Media and governs your use of the following:

To access any A-town Promotions Advertising Media service you must accept the terms of this agreement and comply with the A-town Promotions Advertising Media Online Community Guidelines. To be a A-town Promotions Advertising Media member, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are not yet eighteen years old, you may NOT become a member of A-town Promotions Advertising Media or any of its' services. Since A-town Promotions Advertising Media is a membership service; A-town Promotions Advertising Media reserves the right to limit you to just one membership.

When you accept this membership agreement and complete the A-town Promotions Advertising Media registration process, you become the master account holder, and A-town Promotions Advertising Media provides you with a limited, non-exclusive license for no more than the term of your membership to use the username you select for your master account. Your username is your online identity. You may not use a username that is used by someone else.

As the master account holder, you are responsible for all activity on your account, and any violations or warning accrued by your membership can lead to termination of your master account. You may also receive important notices about your membership from time to time, so it is important for you to regularly check your master account's Messages. It is important that you never reveal your password to other users, friends or any persons that may use/tarnish your online reputation and A-town Promotions Advertising Media or any of it’s' employees will never ask you for any type of password information. You agree not to reveal your password to other users and you agree to indemnify and hold A-town Promotions Advertising Media harmless for any improper or illegal use of your account. This includes illegal or improper use by someone to whom you have given permission to use your account. Your account is at risk if you let someone use it inappropriately. If your membership is terminated for violating this membership agreement, A-town Promotions Advertising Media’s express permission will be necessary before you are allowed to use A-town Promotions Advertising Media again.

There are no monthly charges to use the basic services of our website. A-town Promotions Advertising Media has other membership options which has their own fees. You are not obligated to join any of these options. If you decide to enroll in a service by A-town Promotions Advertising Media, you are required to pay any fees.

As the master account holder, you are responsible for all charges incurred, including applicable taxes and purchases made by you or anyone you allow to use your account. This means that, unless your account or credit card information is obtained unlawfully or fraudulently by someone other than those authorized to use your account, you will be responsible for all usage and purchases under such said account.

Our certified advisors are professionals and have had to pass through a stringent screening process in order to work for us. You are afforded the opportunity to know them through their profiles, thoughts, galleries. Once you feel comfortable with a particular advisor, you can receive a private reading by our mobile phone apps or e-mail readings. Remember, advisors have families to support, bills to pay, and a quality of life to maintain just like you. So, please respect them and the work they do by not asking for free readings.

If you think you can purchase services, charge back, and do it again without negative consequences, you are sadly mistaken. We work very closely with ISPs and legal agencies around the world to prosecute ALL instances of Credit Card fraud, Online Checking fraud and identity theft. The deliberate act of committing credit card fraud is against the law and can adversely affect your credit rating.

By content, we mean the text, software, communications, images, sounds and other information provided online. Most content on any of the A-town Promotions Advertising Media services is provided by A-town Promotions Advertising Media, its' members, our affiliates, or content providers under license. In general, A-town Promotions Advertising Media does not pre-screen content available on any of the A-town Promotions Advertising Media services. A-town Promotions Advertising Media does not assume any responsibility or liability for content that is provided by others. A-town Promotions Advertising Media does reserve the right to remove content that, in A-town Promotions Advertising Media’s judgment, does not meet its' standards or does not comply with A-town Promotions Advertising Media’s current guidelines, but A-town Promotions Advertising Media is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such material. Keep in mind that A-town Promotions Advertising Media is not responsible for content available on the Internet, although we reserve the right to block access to any Internet area containing illegal, harmful content or otherwise being used for purposes that are unlawful or injurious to A-town Promotions Advertising Media or its' members.

Members can generate content in blogs, message area, member profiles, web pages, etc. It is essential that this kind of content also reflects our community standards, and we may remove it if, in our best judgment, it does not meet those standards. When we do, you may receive a warning about the violation of A-town Promotions Advertising Media standards if your account was responsible for putting the objectionable content online. If it's a serious offense or you've violated our rules before, we may terminate your account.

Our certified advisors have been instructed to never give out their personal information which would include their phone numbers, e-mail addresses or any other contact information. Please do not ask them. For your protection, we also do not allow you to post any contact information including, but not limited to, your home address, phone number, e-mail address, or any type of instant messenger id's or Skype ids. There are NO exceptions to this rule.

Our certified advisors have been instructed to report anyone who tries to recruit them to work on any other website. If you are looking to hire psychics, there are many legitimate places to do this. Our site is NOT one of them.

A-town Promotions Advertising Media applies the same standards to its' own and its' partners content that it applies to member content. Remember that our community standards vary from community to community. Some chat rooms may use stronger language than others. So while the guidelines may vary a bit depending on the online area you're in, in general, these guidelines apply:

Language: Strong vulgar language, crude sexual references, hate speech, etc. is not allowed in our servers. If you see it, report it to support@atownpromotions.com. Nudity: Nudity is NOT permitted on certain forums on the A-town Promotions Advertising Media servers. NO CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, ANIMALISM, RAPE AND ANY OTHER SUCH ACTS ARE PERMITTED. If you see it, report it to support@atownpromotions.com.

Violence and Drug Abuse: Graphic images of humans being killed, blood and gore, gratuitous violence, etc., are not acceptable. Discussions about or depictions of illegal drug abuse that imply it is acceptable are not. If you see it, report it to support@atownpromotions.com.

Online conduct should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette. You will be considered in violation of this agreement if you do any of the following:
- Post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that is illegal.
- Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted. This means: don't say slander them, don't keep sending them unwanted messages, don't attack their race, heritage, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE BULLYING. PERIOD.
- NO POLITICAL DISCUSSION We are a site of love, light and blessings. While your political opinion is important to you (which it should be), there are other forums on other site where this would be more suited. You posts or comment will most likely be deleted and re-read the above rule.
- Transmit or facilitate distribution of content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, or in a reasonable person's view, objectionable. Our online community standards may vary, but there is no place on the service where hate speech is tolerated.
- Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, etc. This is online vandalism, and it ruins the experience for others.
- Pretend to be anyone whom you are not. You may not impersonate another member (including celebrities), a A-town Promotions Advertising Media employee, or an affiliate.
- Attempt to get a password, other account information, or other private information from a member. Because a member's account is that person's online existence and persona, it is sacrosanct.
- Remember: A-town Promotions Advertising Media or any of it’s' employees will NEVER ask for your password. Don't give your password to anyone.

Our certified advisors have been instructed to never give out their personal information which would include their phone numbers, e-mail addresses or any other contact information. Please do not ask them. For your protection, we also do not allow you to post any contact information including, but not limited to, your home address, phone number, e-mail address, or any type of instant messenger id's or Skype ids. There are NO exceptions to this rule.

Obey the rules wherever you are. This includes the rules of other interactive services, A-town Promotions Advertising Media area guidelines, state, local, federal laws, or foreign or international law where appropriate. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. "Netiquette" is used all over the Internet. Whether you are on A-town Promotions Advertising Media or using other Internet functions, it's important to be polite.

The laws that apply in the offline world must be obeyed online as well. We have zero tolerance for illegal behavior on the service. We terminate accounts and cooperate with law enforcement on such matters.

In addition to providing you with an easy way to report illegal activity, our partners or we may in some instances monitor public areas. Regardless of the A-town Promotions Advertising Media service that you use, A-town Promotions Advertising Media may be used only for lawful purposes.

Much of the content available on our service is owned by others, and is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. It is very easy to copy things in cyberspace, but just because it is easy doesn't mean it is acceptable or legal. Any content that you upload or download while using the service must be authorized; this means you must have the legal right to upload or download the content. You must not copy, transmit, modify, distribute, show in public or in private or create any derivative works from any of the content you find on A-town Promotions Advertising Media, unless you have the legal right to. Making unauthorized copies of any content found on A-town Promotions Advertising Media can lead to the termination of your A-town Promotions Advertising Media membership and may even subject you to further legal action beyond the termination of your membership. Similarly, other content owners may take criminal or civil action against you. In that event, you agree to hold harmless A-town Promotions Advertising Media and any of it’s' subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, employees, officers, directors and agents.

Bear in mind that some areas of A-town Promotions Advertising Media are public, like message boards, profiles, blogs, and other members will have access to your posted material and might copy, modify or distribute it. By submitting or posting content there, you are representing that you are the owner of such material or have authorization to distribute it. Once you post content on any of the A-town Promotions Advertising Media services, you expressly grant A-town Promotions Advertising Media the complete right to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, etc. the content in any form, anywhere.

Upon a request by A-town Promotions Advertising Media, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless A-town Promotions Advertising Media and its' affiliated subsidiaries, employees, contractors, officers, directors, telecommunications providers and content providers from all liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that arise from a breach of this membership agreement for which you are responsible or from the use of A-town Promotions Advertising Media or the Internet, or in connection with your transmission of any Content on A-town Promotions Advertising Media. A-town Promotions Advertising Media reserves the right, at its' own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by a member. In that event, the member shall have no further obligation to provide indemnification for A-town Promotions Advertising Media in that matter.

You or A-town Promotions Advertising Media may either terminate or cancel your membership at any time. You understand and agree that the cancellation of your account is your sole right and remedy with respect to any dispute with A-town Promotions Advertising Media. This includes, but is not limited to, any dispute related to, or arising out of:

- Any term of this membership agreement;
- Any policy or practice of A-town Promotions Advertising Media;
- The content available through A-town Promotions Advertising Media or the Internet or any change in content provided through A-town Promotions Advertising Media;
- Your ability to access and/or use A-town Promotions Advertising Media.

You can cancel your membership by sending e-mail to support@atownpromotions.com. Cancellation will take effect within 72 hours of receipt of your request, and A-town Promotions Advertising Media will send you written confirmation. In addition, you are responsible for any charges incurred to third-party vendors or content providers prior to your cancellation.

In the event that your account is terminated or canceled, no refund will be granted; no online time or other credits' will be credited to you or can be converted to cash or other form of reimbursement. Active A-town Promotions Advertising Media members may not allow former members or other agents whose memberships have been terminated to use their accounts.






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